1.Mandatory information for the trader and the user:

Dear customers,
The ambition of the miramax-clima.bg online store is to be completely transparent and fair to all its customers. Part of this commitment is related to the protection and preservation of your personal data. The collection of personal data takes place only when instructed by the Bank or voluntary registration. We also guarantee that the collected personal data will not be presented or given to third parties.

Ordered from the online store

miramax-clima.bg is an online store for the supply of air conditioning systems and accessories for them. The miramax-clima.bg online store is a subsidiary of MIRAMAX Clima LTD.

Place of delivery and address: 1000 Sofia, 11B Ekzarch Stefan Street, Bulgaria
EIK: 206756387
National number: 0700 50 205
Е-mаіl: info@miramax-clima.bg
Wеb: miramax-clima.bg

protection of personal data

Art. x. 1. "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD adopts measures for the protection of personal data of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016 the direct protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and the direct free movement of such data and for the repeal of Directive 95/46/EO (GDPR) and the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

Art. x. 2. "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD processes the personal data of consumers in accordance with Art. 6, para. 1, b. from the GDR – the processing is necessary for the performance of the contract, after which the site is created.

Art. x. 3. "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD has published the information about the personal data it processes and the purposes for which it is processed, and all the information required by the Regulation (EC ) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 at the same time The protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and the repeal of the Directive 95/46/EO (GDPR) in Mandatory Information information on the protection of personal data, available on this page, c The customer declares the acceptance of these general terms, that he has read and is bound by them.

Art. x. 4. Delivery of the "MIRAMAX AIR CONDITIONING" EOOD is solely at the instruction of the customer and may only have control over the personal data and the user works. The contract for the use of the product and the use of its functions and possibilities is made accessible by "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD.

Art. x. 5. Regarding the privacy of the users' personal data, "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LLC will send the data only to the e-mail address that was initiated by the user at the time of registration she.

Personal data protection policy

Regarding: The use of the internet page miramax-clima.bg
Effective from 25.05.2018

Carrying out its activities, "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD, EIK 206756387, with headquarters and management address: 1000 Sofia, 11B Ekzarch Stefan St., Bulgaria

("The Company", "MIRAMAX AIR CONDITIONING", "we", "us") processes information, including personal data.

This website miramax-clima.bg is owned by "MIRAMAX CLIMA" EOOD and is managed by the Company in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and the related legal framework, including but not limited to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR" ).

This Policy aims to inform you about the way in which we process your personal data in our capacity as an administrator, as well as about your rights. "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD strives to provide you with accessible and useful information on its website.

The protection of personal data is extremely important to us, and that is why "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD does not sell your data to other companies or individuals. If we provide your data to third parties, these are our contractors who process the information on our behalf, following our instructions and applying our standard for protecting your personal data. Our main goal is to be as clear, specific and transparent as possible in the information about the processing of your personal data that we provide you, as well as your rights.

Information about the Personal Data Administrator:


2. EIK/BULSTAT: 206756387

3. Headquarters and management address: 1000 Sofia, 11B Ekzarch Stefan Street, Bulgaria

4. Address for exercising the activity:

5. Correspondence details: Cherven Bryag 5980, Stefan Karadzha St. №14

6. E-mail: info@miramax-clima.bg

7. Phone: 0700 50 205

Information about the competent supervisory authority:

1. Name: Personal Data Protection Commission

2. Headquarters and management address: Sofia 1592, "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2

3. Correspondence details: Sofia 1592, "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2

4. Phone: 02 915 3 518

5. Email: kzld@government.bg, kzld@cpdp.bg 6. Website: www.cpdp.bg

What is personal data?

According to the new regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR"), personal data is any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person (such as email address, names, age, date of birth, telephone and others).

"MIRAMAKS CLIMA" LTD does not process personal data revealing race or ethnic origin, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs or membership in trade unions and processing genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, health or sex life data or the sexual orientation of an individual.

Collection, processing and use of personal data.

"MIRAMAKS CLIMA" LTD collects, uses, processes and stores your personal data, which is necessary for the Company to provide the services and goods of "MIRAMAKS CLIMA" LTD. Your data only serves to manage your purchases. They can also be used for statistical purposes of the Group, which are related to improving the quality of our services, as well as marketing activities of "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD.

Listed below are the types of personal information that "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD may collect, as well as the ways in which we may use it. You will find detailed information about the different types of data that are collected when you use the relevant service of "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD and provide information to the Company.

What personal information we collect and process
  • When creating an order and concluding a contract - your names; your email address; address for delivery of the goods ordered by you; contact telephone number;
  • Payment details and protection of your payment-related data – email address, customer number, telephone number, billing address, shipping address, information related to payment method, purchase amount and frequency of purchases; telephone for contact;
  • For invoicing and processing – your names, invoicing address, delivery address, email address, payment method used, payment amount and product/s, date of purchase;
  • Online survey participation and other marketing activities - various types of information, including but not limited to your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, how you prefer to be contacted and credit card information, history your purchases and searches;
  • To ensure safety from defective products and related to goods, claims and complaints - your name, your email address, the products that have been purchased; postal address, information about the claim/complaint and the affected product/s.
For what purposes and on what grounds do we use your personal information

The main activities, purposes and grounds that are related to the processing of personal data for "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD are:

  • Data for the purposes of fulfilling an order/s placed in the stores of "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD based on the conclusion of a contract;
  • Data about our payment fraud prevention system based on our legitimate interest in protecting the data we control;
  • Accounting and invoicing of purchases and the e-shop based on our legal obligation to do so;
  • Data related to managing your access (identification), based on your given consent;
  • Marketing activities of the Company based on consent.

The personal information we collect allows us to keep you informed about our latest products and upcoming events. It also helps us improve our services, content and advertising. If you do not wish to appear on our mailing list, you can unsubscribe at any time by updating your preferences in your profile and on the website.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

In certain cases, "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD may disclose certain personal information to strategic partners - subcontractors who work with us by providing products and services related to the Company's activities or helping "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD in marketing to customers. Personal information will be shared by us only to provide or improve our products, services and advertising; it will not be shared with third parties for their marketing purposes.

It is possible that "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD may be required - by law, in a legal process, in a legal dispute and/or at the request of public and government bodies in or outside your country of residence - to disclose your personal information. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other matters of public concern, such disclosure is necessary or appropriate.

We may also disclose information about you if we determine that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our terms and conditions, or to protect our operations or users. Additionally, in the event of a reorganization, merger or sale, we may transfer any and all Personal Information collected to the applicable third party.

Transfer to third countries

"MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD does not transfer your data outside the Group to third countries outside the EU.

Protection of personal information

"MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD takes precautionary measures - including administrative, technical and physical measures - to protect your personal information from loss, theft and misuse, as well as from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

All employees of "MIRAMAKS CLIMA" LTD are obliged to protect the confidentiality of your information, as well as to observe the applicable organizational and technical measures for its protection. Access to your data is limited on the basis of necessity for the performance of one's duties.

For the cases in which "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD shares information about you with third parties - suppliers of "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD, the Company has mechanisms to ensure that they provide a level of data protection according to the agreed standard for this.

Storage of Personal Information

We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, unless we are required by law to retain it for a longer period. According to the type of data and the purposes for which they were collected, a storage period is determined, after which the information is permanently deleted.

Your rights in relation to your personal data

If you have provided your personal data to "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD, you have the following options at any time:

  • Right of access to your personal data: You have the right to receive confirmation from us as to whether personal data about you is being processed and, if so, access to the personal data and information.
  • Right to rectification of personal data: If you find that the personal data we process about you is inaccurate, you have the right to request that we correct that personal data.
  • Right to erasure of personal data (the right to be forgotten): In certain circumstances, such as if your personal data has been processed unlawfully or you have withdrawn your consent (if the processing of personal data is based on consent) and there is no reason to continue processing them, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data from us.
  • Right to restriction of processing: In certain circumstances, such as if you doubt the accuracy of your personal data or you have objected to our legitimate purpose for processing your personal data, you have the right to request that we restrict the processing of Your personal data until a solution is found.
  • Right to object to processing: In certain circumstances, such as if you doubt our legitimate interest in processing your personal data, you have the right to object, on grounds related to your particular situation, to such processing.
  • Right to data portability: If your personal data is processed by automatic means with your consent or for the performance of our contractual relationship, you have the right to request that we provide you with your personal data in a machine-readable format for transfer to another data controller.
  • Right to submit a complaint to a supervisory authority: You have the right to submit a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data by us to the relevant supervisory authority - Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, or to the court.

If you want to exercise your rights or opt out of receiving the electronic newsletter and other marketing communications, you can contact us by sending a message to info@miramax-clima.bg or by sending a letter to the postal address: Cheren beach 5980, st. Stefan Karadzha #14, Bulgaria, "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD, for the data protection officer.

We may refuse to process requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort, threaten the privacy of other users, requests that are grossly impractical, or to which access is not otherwise required by law.

The exercise of your rights, when they are not repeated and unfounded, is not bound by the payment of a fee. In case of frequent repetitions, the Company may impose an additional administrative fee.

Policy Validity and Update

We may periodically update our Privacy Policy. In the event of a change to this policy, a notice will be published on our website, as well as the updated Privacy Policy.

Contact details


To the email address: info@miramax-clima.bg

By mail: Cherven Bryag 5980, Stefan Karadzha St. №14, for the Data Protection Officer

General terms and conditions

With the acceptance of the present general terms, the client gives an unlimited and unconditional right, until the possible written cancellation, submitted by his personal e to be collected, published, used and used by www.miramax-clima.bg and/or authorized by Third parties, including, but not limited to, third parties for the purpose of executing the contract for the storage and delivery of the order of shops, banks and financial institutions in the online credit application process and in connection with the application for the application ĸedit and the execution of the agreement for ĸedit, in connection with the mapping and marketing purposes and analyzes of www.miramax-clima.bg, as well as for any purposes not prohibited by the law . BCE, the sake of all things can be info, and S


miramax-clima.bg undertakes to deliver only the products presented on the site, in the manner in which they are presented. All information presented on the site, including availability and prices, is valid only at the time of its presentation, which miramax-clima.bg reserves the right at all times I can change it without warning. It is the customer's responsibility to inform the customer of the use of the site, including the provided information on prices, availability, etc there have been some changes in the houses. In all cases, the changes are effective and do not require confirmation from the miramax-clima.bg site until they are made. If additional approval from our side is necessary, it will hardly be given; in the positive case, regardless of the confirmation of the order, it will be considered invalid.

For those not mentioned in the current general terms and conditions, the provisions of the current Bulgarian legislation apply. Rules for the interpretation and execution of the present general terms and the interpretation and execution of the contracts for the sale of orders from the online store The goods will be sent to the court, and in the case of non-compliance, the court will decide to order the court. : on citizens' claims - Article 113 of the Civil Code, and in cases where the trial is not initiated urgently - before the competent court in the city of Sofia, in particular the floor of the criminal case under the Civil Code, namely the Sofia Court no court or Sofia City Court.

2. Start of order/order

The establishment of business relations between the client and miramax-clima.bg, a company of "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LLC, is the basis of the order through the online store protected line miramax-clima.bg. This process includes filling in the required personal or financial data, complying with the general terms of use of the miramax-clima.bg online store and completing the order.

The execution of the order begins the moment the company's customer recognizes it. If the order is sent outside working hours, but on a weekday or a non-working day, the execution will start accordingly: on the following working day or on the beginning of the working week. In the event of a change in the price of the ordered goods in the period between the dispatch of the order and its receipt, the client pays the price at which it is p trained.

The client has the right to change or cancel the order within one hour on working days, starting from the order. Changing the already installed command does not oblige the user to hide the site on the same site, as well as the site on the same map. In the case of an issued invoice, the company cancels it or issues an audit report.

In-store orders are the only shipping methods described on this page.

Shipping, delivery and installation coverage

The cost of delivery of air conditioning systems depends on the destination and the specifics of the installation The company that delivers and installs the air conditioning system. The price for the delivery and installation of air-conditioning systems depends on the employment of the installation teams and this is specified in the preliminary contract with the client.

Delivery rates and prices

The price for the delivery of all orders is calculated by the company;

Missing orders will result in our representative contacting the customer by phone to confirm the order;

Delivery and installation of air conditioning systems outside a radius of 15 km. from Mr. Cherven Bryag, which pays an additional fee for transportation at the cost of BGN 1 per kilometer;

We offer immediate delivery and installation of air conditioners that answer the phone first.

You can find more information about the assembly instructions on the delivery and assembly page.

Items that do not require specialized assembly will arrive in up to 3 working days. They are sent through the Cyprus company, with which "MIRAMAX CLIMA" Ltd. has a key contract.

Delays may occur in the following circumstances: public holidays, non-availability of the company's order, incorrect customer details and errors occurred during the operation of the company.

The client has the right to cancel the ordered item, if the item or its repair is damaged upon receipt.

4. Rules protecting intellectual property

All the information published on this site in the form of texts, pictures and other materials is under the copyright and all rights reserved It does not violate traffic laws, traffic laws, or legal regulations. Their use, copying and public display are prohibited. Following these terms, your use of the site may be restricted.

5. Cancellation and return of goods

(Art. 44 of the Civil Code) A contract outside the commercial object is any contract between the trader and the consumer:

Keyed to the single variable physical presence of the seller and the resident of the place, other than the seller's object of sale;

When the citizen has made the proposal for the conclusion of the contract under the same circumstances as mentioned in item 1;

Locked in the seller's property or through the use of the presence communication tool, which is a real personal and individual account the act of the occupier of the place, as distinct from the object of the occupier's possession, as the identical physical creation of the occupier and the occupier;

Included during the journey organized by the shipper for the purpose or purpose of delivery or collection of the goods or goods to the consumer.

(Art. 45 of the Civil Code) A contract of maintenance is a contract between the seller and the party responsible for the maintenance or delivery of goods Lies of standing without changing the physical appearance of the tenant and the resident, through the exclusive use of one or more Communication speed from waiting until the conclusion of the contract, including at the moment of concluding the contract.

(Art. 50 of the Civil Code) The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract or from the contract outside the scope of the contract, without giving a reason, without having to pay compensation or anything z to pay the tax and to pay taxes, c exclusion of taxes, provided for in Art. 54, para. 3 and Art. 55, in a 14-day period, read from the date of:

conclusion of the contract - before the contract for services;

Acceptance of the goods from the consumer or from a third party, other than the buyer and initiated by the consumer - under a supply contract.

(Art. 54 of the Civil Code) When the citizen has violated the right to the contract of stay or the contract outside the object of the transaction, the seller shall restore all the amounts received to the customer, including delivery charges, without undue delay and no later than 14 days, counted from the date on which he was informed of the citizen's request to withdraw from the contract.

(2) The merchant is obliged to refund the received payments using the same payment method used by the consumer during the initial transaction, except for the following the citizen has kept the usual and the interest for using the second payment method and the fact that this is not obligatory for the consumer .

(3) The seller has no obligation to reimburse the additional costs for the delivery of the goods, if the consumer has chosen a method of delivery of the goods, different from the above the type of standard delivery provided by the merchant.

(4) Under the supply contract, if the seller has not offered to collect the goods, he can withhold payment of the fines from the consumer under para. 1, until he receives the goods or until the citizen provides proof that he has received the goods in return, depending on which of the two was the highest.

1. Use the following email details:

Command Home

Name of the site

Site Code/Part Number

Date on which the item was ordered

Date the item was delivered/received

The reason for the refusal of the request / at the request of the President/

Names of the citizen

Name of the citizen

E-mail address of the citizen

Customer phone number

or fill out the following form and send it to the e-mail: info@miramax-clima.bg

2. After sending the data, the operator of miramax-clima.bg ("MIRAMAX CLIMA" LLC) will contact Bac.
After confirmation from miramax-clima.bg ("MIRAMAX CLIMA" LLC), follow the steps below:


National number: 0700 50 205

Email: info@miramax-clima.bg

Web: miramax-clima.bg

Mentioned in the articles

The miramax-clima.bg store reserves the right to unilaterally change the TOS for using the online store at any time by updating the current document. It is also your duty to familiarize yourself with the TERMS of use, because these TERMS are binding on you.

6. Payment terms

Payments can be made by cash on delivery, credit or debit card or by bank transfer.

CASH PAYMENT (Cash on Delivery)

The amount is paid to the courier after "inspection" of the received product. You can pay through the mobile POS terminal of the courier, and it is necessary to mention this when confirming the order. The payment document is attached to the warranty card of the purchased product.

After the payment has been made, the amount due will be paid on delivery of the product. It requires advance payment. At the moment of payment for the order, the purchase-supply agreement will be considered fulfilled by both parties.


You can make a payment through our site with the following bank cards: MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron, etc. The transaction currency when paying by card is Bulgarian Lev (BGN) ATTENTION! Your U PAY or MasterCard Electronic card will only be accepted if it is registered to participate in the Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode online authentication schemes. ADVICE! Check that your card is opened by your issuer for Internet transactions.


Bank Transfer Instructions


Bank: Unicredit Bulbank

IBAN: BG70UNCR70001524748503


For the reason, write the order number or the invoice number if it was issued in advance!

If you choose to pay by bank transfer, you will be issued an invoice by MIRAMAX CLIMAEOOD, which you will receive at the e-mail specified by you.

*Bichic prices in the online store are final and include VAT.

7. Complaint

"MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD is responsible for any non-conformity of the goods that exists at the time of delivery of the goods and that has appeared within two years from the delivery, according to the Law on Consumer Protection and the Law on the Provision of Digital Content and Digital Services and for selling goods. "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD also provides a commercial guarantee, individualized in the guarantee cards for each specific product.

The customer has the right to file a claim at a "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD outlet, by phone or by filling out an online form, in the event that a defect or damage to the purchased product appears within the warranty period. When submitting a complaint, the following documents must be provided in original - fiscal receipt and/or invoice, warranty card, goods receipt or installation protocol.

In case of obvious defects, damages, shortages, inconsistency between the ordered and delivered goods or broken integrity of the packaging, it is possible that the goods were damaged during their transportation to the customer's home. It is IMPORTANT to establish this in the PRESENCE of a courier and to file a claim with "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD in a timely manner!

E-mail for accepting complaints: info@miramax-clima.bg

The team of "MIRAMAX CLIMA" LTD wishes its customers few occasions for complaints and maximum pleasure from using the quality and certified equipment!
